
2005年7月19日—Basicallythesamemouse...oneis800DPI,theotheris400-1600DPI.MattersifyouneedvariableDPIornot.Ifnot,510ischeaper.,2005年3月27日—Ihavethemx510anditsagreatmouse,itsaimedtowardsgamersandivehad0problemswiththedrivers.Alsothemx518doesntusedriversto ...,ComparisonofLogitechMX510andLogitechMX518basedonspecifications,reviewsandratings.,ElmioeselMx510colorao,elMx518eslanuevaadquisicióNdemibr...

mx510 VS mx518

2005年7月19日 — Basically the same mouse... one is 800DPI, the other is 400-1600DPI. Matters if you need variable DPI or not. If not, 510 is cheaper.

Logitech MX510 vs MX518

2005年3月27日 — I have the mx510 and its a great mouse, its aimed towards gamers and ive had 0 problems with the drivers. Also the mx518 doesnt use drivers to ...

Logitech MX510 vs Logitech MX518

Comparison of Logitech MX510 and Logitech MX518 based on specifications, reviews and ratings.

Mx518 Vs Mx510

El mio es el Mx510 colorao, el Mx518 es la nueva adquisicióN de mi bro ^^

MX510 2004 Vs. MX518 2005

Logitech MX518 2005 Vs. Logitech MX510 2004 ; DPI/CPI: 400, 800, 1600dpi, up to 1800 dpi, 800dpi ; Memory Size: ; Max tracking speed: 40ips ; Max acceleration: 15 g ...

Logitech MX510 VS MX518 Gaming mouse for elder boys

2021年6月11日 — For modern gaming at 1080P or just a bit below, the MX510 this it does not qualify any more as top solution, the new MX518 due it in hardware ...

MX510 vs. MX518

2005年9月16日 — I have both mice. I definetly perfer the mx518 over the 510. It just feels so much smoother and it's a lot easier to aim in FPS games like ...

MX518 similar in 2023

2023年8月27日 — Which gaming mouse in 2023 has the most similar shape for the MX518, but technology of a modern day gaming mouse?